Hilton Hotels Recognize Value in Family Reunions
Planning a family reunion can be one of the most challenging events for a person to manage! Logistics, rooms, food, people, events – the list goes on and on. A recent poll by Black Meetings & Tourism found that 90 percent of family reunions are hosted by African Americans. One hotel chain saw an opportunity to eliminate some of the stress that comes with planning such an joyous occassion and started a new initiative geared towards family reunions.
According to The Network Business Journal, Hilton Hotels partnered with Black Meetings & Tourism publication, National Coalition of 100 Black Women & The Tom Joyner Show’s Meet Ev’ry Listener Tour to provide accommodations to the staff and host meet-and-greet events during the tour, which travels to 45 U.S. cities. The hotel chain also set up a new website, HiltonFamilyReunions.com, designed to help with the planning of these events by providing pointers for on-site planning, personalized pages where family members can coordinate their reunions & much more.
The Network Business Journal interviewed Andrea Richardson, Director of Resorts & Multicultural Marketing Global Marketing, about Hilton’s family reunion program plans. For the full interview and additional information on the program, go to The Network Journal’s article found here for all the details. Whether or not you’re in the planning phases of your family’s reunion, be sure to check out this article for more on how Hilton Hotels can assist you in planning this monumental event!