This or That? VI Food Tag Edition
It was only a matter of time before “This or That” VI Food Tag would make its way to the interwebs via social media (I see you Instastories)! I was thrilled to put these templates together that were geared towards what many would say is the best of Virgin Islands food.

“This or That” is a fun and entertaining question game where two options are presented to the participant. For example, you could be presented with hot or cold/beach or pool. The goal is to choose which one you prefer over the other. If you’re looking for Virgin Islands food to try during your St. Croix vacation, these templates are a great starting point for the foodie traveler.
Without fail, my VI people showed up and showed out sharing “This or That” VI Food Tag with as many friends and family members as possible! Some participants said it was too hard to choose one over the other for many of the questions. Instead, they wanted to devour everything listed on the sheet. For others it was a nice reminder of home, urging many to learn how to make some of the items listed or plan a St. Croix vacation back home once the threat of COVID-19 has passed.
SEE ALSO: How To Start Your Morning in the USVI
Since it was so entertaining, I decided to create part 2 with another set of options to choose from. Check out both parts below for “This or That” VI Food Tag!
This or That Virgin Islands Food PART 2


Copy the tag game of your choosing by pressing and holding on the image from your phone and saving to your photos. Once completed, post your answers on social media and tag a few friends (tag me too: @cruzanfoodie)! Compare answers and take a stroll down memory lane about the best places to get these foods or whose tanty or granny makes it the best!
SEE ALSO: Cruzan Foodie Cocktail: The Vibe Remix
For those planning a St. Croix vacation, don’t forget to bookmark this page for later to remember what local Virgin Islands food to try during your visit to the big island.
Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more on the food, history and culture of the USVI, Caribbean and anywhere else I discover on my travels!
Until Next Time,
Q the Cruzan Foodie